In the 17th episode of KBS 2TV’s drama series Love Rain that will air on May 21, Jun (played by Jang Geun Suk) and Hana (played by Yoona) go to a special place to have time for themselves. As soon as they arrive at the place, Jun gives Hana a hug from the back and Hana smiles. Like any other lovers, they have a sweet time together.
Suddenly it begins to rain, however, the two just look at each other. In the rain, Jun says, “Whenever we want to see each other or want to love, we will!”
In the next morning, they give each other a tight hug in tears in front of a hazy river. The viewers are wondering what decision they will make during the trip.
People responded: “I love their romance! I’m already excited, watching them hugging each other!” “They’re so beautiful!” “Jang Geun Suk and Yoona look really happy together!” “I’m so excited to watch their hugging scenes!” “I wonder what they’re talking about in the rain. They’re certainly making some kind of decision there,” “Please just let them love!”
The 17th episode of Love Rain will air on May 21 at 9:55 p.m.
Source: Sports Korea
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